One step at a time!

By IanO

Planning - what planning?


A rare bit of quality planning went into the local roadworks recently.

There are only two roads into the large industrial estate where my business is located. One through a low bridge only suitable for cars and vans, whilst all other traffic uses the other road shown above.

First they choose to close the road with the low bridge for 4 weeks for sewer repairs (we've only been waiting 2 years).

Secondly the week after work started on the sewer, they chose to resurface the other road over a distance of nearly a mile. This is the road that is currently being used by ALL traffic, cars, vans, trucks, articulated wagons, tankers including several delivery companies.

How stupid can you get - the tailbacks are horrendous, inconveniencing staff, customers and Uncle Tom Cobley and all. Would it really take a genius to foresee this chaos? I think not.

Oh well rant over, but I did enjoy it ;-)

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