
By ztuzzer

unconventionally unconventional

When I talk about being unconventional, I'm not talking about dying your hair green and parading around in hot pants to make a statement, which is what most people conventionally think of. Well, maybe not that exactly, but something of a similar bold proclamation. Rather, I am simply talking about actually being unconventional and not just boasting about it. Being unconventional - not conforming to social norms - doesn't mean you have to necessarily stand out. I mean, it's conventional to throw away your apple core, but I don't, I eat it. Don't see me wearing a tee-shirt about it though do you? No, I just blog about it instead

There's no harm in being conventional, but there's also no benefit in it either. You know the old saying, rules were made to be broken. Well, they weren't. They were made so that you would function as a socially acceptable member of society. But that's not to say you can't function if you don't abide by them. In-fact, you're more likely to excel because you won't let other people set your boundaries. And conventions are but boundaries. To be unconventional is to be unbound and to be unbound is to be limitless in potential.

And hell, being unconventional is fun. Why not let lose and lighten up a little. Recently, I have been staying with a friend's family who are very unorthodox about having fun. This game of out-thinking the outlandish on the shopping list, photographed, is just a small sample of their shenanigans. All in all though, from what I have observed being with them is that having a relaxed and friendly attitude means the whole family unit get along a lot better and achieve more through mutual encouragement than authoritarian demanding ever would. It just goes to show, being unconventional doesn't mean being dysfunctional.

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