My day

By 59

Floriade Canberra 2014

We spent the morning at the gardens, followed by a cruise on the lake and then late lunch at our friend's home overlooking the lake. I have lots of pretty shots so gave Bob the choice and he liked this one second best. The first pick was an amazing sunset shot over our Parliament House. Unfortunately it didn't fit the reason for coming to Canberra so we won't show it today.

This evening we went into a wine bar in a new precinct in NewActon. Unfortunately the noise level was very high and lighting was very low so we left after one drink. We must be getting old! The new buildings were pretty cool as was the weather. They have been having a bit more winter before spring....

We were very clever today and didn't get lost except trying to leave a car park, nothing goes entirely to plan does it?

Bed time, home tomorrow and then back to work...oh well all good things come to an end...

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