That early morning grab for my phone to check the result set the tone for a gloomy morning. The weather was appropriately grey and damp.
A stooshie at the senior B's was surprisingly resolved by my intervention, though the price was a trip to Matalan where TallGirl saved me by finding something she wanted to buy. Lunch at a pub, shopping, final visit of this trip to MrB's folks and off on the soggy road to Perth.
A grand meal out with a couple of MrB's school pals - with much chat about dashed hopes and Westminster slipperiness. And a load of other more fun stuff too. Lots of laughter.
Writing this on Saturday, I have the benefit and irritation of knowing that the Scottish independence campaign has turned out to be all about England after all. My country (I find I increasingly have to remind myself that the 'us' to which I am supposed to belong is England) is behaving like a spoilt child who hasn't been the centre of attention briefly and is shouting 'me me me'.
As were the scenes in Glasgow last night.
Rule Britannia? Not like this please
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