Mummy on a Mission

By ECameron12309


After falling asleep on the sofa last night, I set my alarm early to see the results. A sense of relief and mixed emotions.

Final day of cleaning the old house and several tip runs. Just my photography equipment and large mirrors left collection of my favourite film magazine. I've been buying them since it was launched. Mr C has threatened to throw them in the tip ever since we married, but....changed his tune today when I told him what some of the editions were worth!

More trips down memory lane this afternoon as found some old photographs I took when I was at school in particular one from one of the fashion shows at the Glasgow School of Art.

Played badminton tonight with a couple of photography friends. Haven't played for a number of years so was quite rusty but had a good laugh, despite the hall being very hot.

Off mountain biking tomorrow with Mr C in the New Forest while the munchkins are having a sleepover at my brothers.

Have a lovely weekend.


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