Abandoned Control Room

A miserable start to the day and so was the wet weather!  The day soon dried with misty patches in places but clear beside me.

A disappointing morning with the Scottish Referendum but that's life.  Back to no more voting, my peerie voice way up in Shetland will never be heard down in London.  And now hearing reports from Glasgow this evening are just awful!  Glad Shetland is miles away from it all.  
A split shift at work today, a few hours in the morning and afternoon and then on at the museum again tonight.  

Walkies with Sammy this morning before work and then when I got home in the afternoon, more walkies.  The best way to cheer up a day is to go out walkies and exploring.  I went down to the south end of the island and a walk around the old RAF base at Mossy Hill.  I noticed some of the old NATO's Ace High communication network buildings had been opened and time to explore :)  Walking through the dark corridors with only my phone was like being in a horror movie and waiting for a zombie to jump out!  This looks like it's been an old control room of some sort.  I'll need to take my tripod here again and try more shots :)

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