Hair cut!

mummy weeeeeeeeee
It was 6am which wasn't too bad
Her top sheet was soaked but the pads we are using work wonders so rest of bed ok. She desperately wanted to go back to sleep, it just didn't quite happen.

Went to see a mummy friend first thing, great to have a long overdue catchup. The girls played really really nicely together.

Home, Charlotte was extremely excited as she had a nursery friend coming to lunch and for a play, again so nice to see her playing really well with her peers. Can't say she ate particularly well at the table but you can't have everything. Hoped she would have a sleep, but no, we cuddled on the Sofa whilst Wom slept in the big boy bed.

Headed to the hairdressers. She plonked herself in a comfy chair and picked up a magazine to 'read' whilst we waited. Showed Karen the hairdresser her tangle teezer and said use this please, then sat beautifully whilst her hair was trimmed. So so proud of her. She beamed when Karen gave her a biscuit for sitting so well.

Home, daddy home, I popped out to see a village hall. Perfect for their party. They even recommend a bouncy castle company which makes life even more simpler. Charlotte rang me just as I was leaving there sobbing, mummy where are you, mummy I need you. Poor love suddenly realised I had gone out and panicked. Ringing me seemed to reassure her and the hug I got once home was pretty wonderful.

Baths done
Milk drunk
Both babies asleep and it's 7:10!

Top photo was Charlotte's hair this morning, then waiting to be cut, sat in the chair and the finished product.

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