Day 10: Dalabyggo - Grundarfjordur

It was sad to leave the cabin behind, could have happily stayed there for a few days. But, onwards we went, deciding to take the more direct unmade road towards the top of the Snaefellsnes peninsula. It started well, but soon deteriorated into horrible, deep potholes. About halfway along the journey, I hit one at the wrong angle and it sent us into a skid. I have absolutely no idea how I controlled it; we were swerving about all over the road, and I was sure we were going to flip over- I have no idea how we didn't. It was absolutely terrifying, and when the car eventually came back under control, I had to take a walk outside to calm my nerves and stop shaking.

After that horrible start, the rest of the day was great! We travelled all around the peninsula, stopping off at lovely little harbour towns, and some amazing beaches along the way. The photo is from Djupalonssandur beach, where the remains of an English fishing boat that was shipwrecked have been left on the beach out of respect. We walked along the clifftop trail to Dritvik beach, and tried the lifting stones to test our qualifications to join a fishing fleet. We didn't do too well! he weather beaten cliffs at Arnastapi gave us another excellent, wind-swept walk. We finished with the famous black church at Budir, before heading back for some dinner. We spent the night counting out all our remaining krona to see how much we could spend on our last full day tomorrow!

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