Millipede Magic......
I was totally out of blip ideas today ....and so I whacked on the macro gear and went out in a soggy orrible garden!
I tried spiders (which were not playing ball) and Crane flies......hmmm I give up when I happened upon Mr Millions here!
I found a mini twig and made him climb it for about ten mins while I held the D800 with full macro gear on including all three ex tubes and held the twig with the other hand and just kept snapping!
I set the focus to a comfortable point and just rocked the camera back and forth until he came in focus. I had serious pins n needles after that I can tell ya...However I think Mr Milli was knackered after all that climbing....then I put him down and he burrowed off into the garden.
Check out his High Five million! lol HERE ;-)
Hope you like and check him out LARGE
Draco Dragon xx
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