Nerine on a special day

What a great high turnout for the Scottish referendum, very impressive. I have watched and listened to several debates and have so admired the level of engagement from everyone especially the young, voting for the first time, with many having clearly thought through the issues.

We have the answer now but we also have, hopefully, a commitment for change, not just in Scotland but throughout Great Britain. I imagine there must be a sense of anti climax today with some feeling relief and some disappointment and for those who have been actively campaigning, sheer exhaustion. I’ve heard good words spoken by many politicians today and with a UK general election next year I hope this means there is more chance of specifics and actual delivery. I hope that when we vote next year we manage to reach the levels of engagement and turnout with which Scotland has paved the way.

On another note we completed on the house today and will pick up our keys tomorrow morning. Massive relief coupled with excitement.

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