
By TMac

On The Shoulders of Giants...and our children!

So, I could have gone all non-political and posted another kitten photo.

But, today is far too important in Scottish history to be overshadowed by kittens, no matter how damned cute they are!

I have friends voting on either side - all seem at peace and confident in their decision.

This is what democracy is about.

I took my boys with me first thing this morning. On the way to the polling station we met a boy who had been at primary school a few years ahead of mine. He was nervously making his way to the polling station, polling card in hand with his dad guiding him from the front door step. He looked so mature yet so young at the same time. What a first vote! What a decision to make!

I was completely overwhelmed by the emotion that took hold of me as I looked down at the ballot paper.

As a child growing up in a very poor area of Central Scotland during the miners' strikes and with the vague memories of the disappointment of 1979 lingering, I witnessed first hand the Thatcher years and the broken promises and punishments meted out to the Scottish people.

I had no interest in politics and never voted until I was in my early 30s - what was the point?

For the first time in my lifetime, the past months have brought active dialogue to the streets and the workplaces. For the first time, people who may have been disaffected or apathetic have been energised and aware.
Our young people have awakened and armed themselves with knowledge - and with knowledge, comes power. A whole generation could be activated into making a change - how great is that?

As I head to bed, I hope tomorrow brings new hope.

If the majority is not what I hoped for, I truly hope we can work together in some kind of attempt to right the wrongs overpowering our society.

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