
By Mindseye

The old Midland Bank

This morning we made an earlyish start and I dropped hub, his sis and her hub off so that they could make the last leg of our journey into Manchester via tram, as I had a more solemn appointment; attending the funeral of my first mother in law. RIP Kath x. Afterwards, I drove in to Manchester to meet up with the rest of the gang for lunch. We had booked a table at Jamie Oliver's restaurant on King Street, based in the old Midland Bank building, which, incidentally is opposite the offices where me and my hub met! As you can see it's quite a building and makes for a special dining experience. In the pic you can see both the bar area on the left, where all the wines are displayed, together with hung hams, garlic and endless chillies! The dining areas are on the right and also upstairs around the balconies, which is where we were. It may sound strange, but a visit to the loo is a must, as each loo is situated in a room of it's own, with individual basins etc each one being an old vault in the basement....!! Oh yes and the food was excellent as always!

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