The Importance of a Downton Bake-Off

Youngest is studying The Importance of Being Earnest as part of her A level English so we booked tickets to see a production of it this evening. Starring Nigel Havers and Martin Jarvis, it was great fun and well done.

We had a bite to eat beforehand and had a conversation about why we never seem to spot celebrities when we are up in London.

About half an hour later, we were walking through Leicester Square, saw a flurry of activity as there was a premier showing of Downton Abbey before the new series starts this weekend.

A very smiley Laura Carmichael (Lady Edith) arrived in a lovely old vintage car :) Very cool to see one of the stars of the show!

A few minutes earlier and just as unexpected, was seeing the Queen of the Bake-Off, Mary Berry herself walking through the square, presumably on her way to see Downton.

A most enjoyable, warm and fun evening :)

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