
By joshcowling11


Today I woke up at 6 because I thought that was when I should wake up but my mum said it was 6:40 :/

Got in the car at 7:30 and left for Windsor, we got to the spire clinic at 8:30 and I had my MRI scan on my knee. This is a new model of MRI and is the only one of this kind in the country #special. So I lay down for half an our while the MRI scanner did it's job. I had on headphones because it's really loud but I fell asleep during most of it. My mum was sitting in the room with me and she had all her magnetic stuff off her except her glasses case which kept on flinging itself towards the scanner :)

How an MRI scan works: the scanner sends out magnetic waves which contact the protons which are very sensitive to magnetic waves. They then align themselves to create part of an image then it emits a radio wave to knock the protons out of alignment and then the magnetism pulls them back into alignment and so it goes on creating a picture.

Anyway they gave us a cd with all the images and also emailed it to my knee guy

Came to school and had life skills, maths, pe (which I say out obviously) and French

Came home and chilled

Had a guitar lesson, I'm a bit rusty after summer

Came home and had a lovely tea

Did maths homework

Set my candle alight :)


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