Not mushroom around here!
Went to check out the mushrooms again today and again nothing edible. Lots of these ** WBJ as we mushroom hunters like to call them, but nothing else. I hear that my Mushroom Guru has already been finding loads of Ceps and Chanterelle. Pah!
I'm going to get technology on the job and use a GPS to log their locations so I can home in on them next year, presuming I can find them in the first place!
As it was a day of blue skies and heavy shower I just spent rest of the afternoon brushing up on a few ukulele numbers like this in the style of Hari Georgeson. You never know when you might be called to perform.
Oh and the hot Highland News - Franz Ferdinand will be playing in the Portree Community Hall on Sept 16 - capacity around 500. Now that would be a treat, but we'll be in Denmark.
***WBJ - Wee Brown Jobbies.
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