Chris L

By ChrisL


Over the past month or so we've been inundated with leaflets setting out either side of the referendum argument. Everywhere you go, it's the only topic of conversation (other than how cute our dog is).

I made up my mind on this a long time ago, and nothing I've heard in the meantime has really changed it. The great shame is that it looks like it's going to be very, very close - approximately half the people in this country are going to end up with something they don't want. It would be better/clearer if it was a landslide. Once the dust has settled, I hope it doesn't lead to bitterness and recriminations. I love my adopted country and it's people. I'd hate to see it tear itself apart.

[Note that the relative split in this photo is only an indication of who posted the most leaflets through our door. It's not a political statement either way]

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