Vogue Fashion Night Out
The last stop was at Hollywood for the official party for the VFNO. Pretty comical... I haven't been in a disco in probably 10 years... the place was packed which required elbowing your way through the mob to get around. Also... not very practical to shoot a rangefinder camera in the dark with flashing lights. Everyone wanted their picture taken too.... hahaha. so funny.... "hey, take our picture!" OK... 1. I had no clue about the focal distance... 2. with no flash was at the mercy of timing the photo with the disco lights. They gave up on me after a few passes... :) I did get a lot of really neat ambient pictures like this one. This is with the 21mm wide angle lens on my second circuit after first shooting with the 50mm.
Update: full set here. Check it out if you are intrigued. :)
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