Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Honesty and Sharing of the Heart

Details! Details! This is what landscape photographers strive for - more detail, greater depth, crisper edges - details!

For some time I have felt like giving up on photography. Yes, I admit it.

I have tried so hard to read and study, to develop good technique, to refine my vision and sight. And then processing has become more confusing the harder I try. My Photoshop skills are deplorable no matter how hard I try. Thankfully, the Nik collection has saved me on so many occasions. I've thought about taking classes, joining a photoclub, taking a photo workshop, taking a photo "trip". All of this takes so much time and money - both of which I don't really have right now. I have become so frustrated and anxious that photography has lost its "fun".

And then, as much as I love Blipfoto, it takes a certain amount of time each day - time to upload photos and deal with all of the internet hassles. And I never seem to have enough time to comment on everyone's photos, let alone thank you all and comment on your wonderful comments to me. And many of you have noticed that, and have been much less frequent in your visits. And all of this makes me sad, since I value each one of you so much.

I've become so lost in the details that I am almost ready to sell my camera and lenses and give it all up.

But . . . then I have been confronted - by the Lord - about my motivation and attitude. Why do I like photography? What am I trying to say with my photos? As I have contemplated these things, I realized that I really love to just get outside and take photos of His creation. I realize that I see things differently, and I always come home refreshed from being outside and just taking pictures. I know that many of you do not share my faith, but for me I have realized that photography is just one more thing that helps me express how I feel about Him. And taking pictures does give me great joy!

And then, there is all of you! I love looking at your journals each day. I am encouraged and inspired by your photos. I laugh with you, and cry with you too, and I pray for each of you each time I look at your photos. You have all become so precious to me.

So, I am not going to give it up, nor sell my camera and lenses. In fact, I may be acquiring another sometime in the near future. But, what I am going to do is just stop worrying about the details a bit, and just enjoy shooting pictures and sharing them with all of you. I am going to focus less on trying to take a masterpiece, and more about sharing my vision and expression with you and just be myself.

Thank you all for just bearing with me! For good or bad, I'm still here, and will continue to be.

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