Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Recline dramatically and proclaim....

I just can't do it.

Me and after work running are just not getting along, tried again today and the horrible tummy pains started about 1k in by about 2.5k I was walking. Around 3k I said come on we can do this. About 3.1k my body said who are you kidding. Horrible tummy pains in waves. 3.5k come on pick those feet up. 3.6k oooh swans let's stop and take a picture. I ran in fits and starts. Run walk - hey it is actually a genuine training method, it's totally allowed. 4.5k I give up. I gave myself a talking to, come on not far and we've done 5k. Oh ok then. Oh look clouds and the setting sun, must stop and take a picture. Come on you can do this...

I did actually make it to 5k, but I think I give up on running after work. Will be setting alarm for 5am on Thursday and getting out there for a pre- work run.

Well that's the theory.

It might not happen.

Tummy still not happy with me, it didn't really want dinner after the torture I put it through, but tablet means food has to be consumed.

Am I just weird in that I can't face food after exercise?

Oh well. Really tired now, time for bed.

P.s I have ordered new batteries for my camera, have no idea what happened to the others, out of 8 rechargeable batteries I can only find 2 - is there a battery eating monster? Like the sock eating monster! But anyway hoping to actually take camera to work and force myself out at lunch times (occasionally) to explore a bit. And maybe take photos that aren't bunnies, not that you can ever get bored of bunnies, cause bunnies are just cute and awesome.

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