Just Dance!

No jazz hands to be seen at all. Which was good. Tess was excited and nervous about the dance show but needn't have worried, she and her pals were great. She's not been that enamoured with dancing of late but she definitely loved being part of a big show. And knowing that Ma, Pa, Grandma and even Sam was in the audience to watch her doing her three dances I'm sure made her happy. I'm not really comfortable being behind the dance show scenes, tend to drop off, ensure she has her stuff, massive hug then off, there's way to0 much hair stuff and make up going on, neither of which are my speciality. I helped once but I felt like Dougal from Father Ted. Thank heavens there are mums that are into it, or at least make the effort, and who had the skills, patience and kindness to do Tess's hair and take these pictures.

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