
By weewilkie

the wee green man glow

Once, quite a while ago I was walking following my thoughts meanderings, not really paying much attention to my surroundings. Abruptly I ended my chewing of the mind's cud and happened to look around. I was half way across a busy street. I hadn't looked either way before crossing. Maybe my unconscious mind would have kicked in if there had been a car coming but I was still shaken by my recklessness.
I should be dead, I thought.
Every step from here on in is a bonus, I shouldn't be experiencing it.
What a buzz I got after that. Sensing all the things around me that would still have carried on regardless of whether I was there to witness them or not. I felt deep inside the dna of the day. I felt part of everything that happened. I saw the surface of things like the rubber in a balloon. Everything was of the same material. I felt that all was made of this stardust, inflated by consciousness. Consciousness was like the air inside the balloon that expands the surface. This feeling lasted about 10 minutes.

Recently, trying to become a better practitioner of mindfulness I came across an idea that resonated deeply with me. It took me back to that moment in the middle of the street. What was said was this:
can you die a little in this moment?
can you sense life now going on without the self's interpretation?

And I totally could, and I have used this technique many times and it really plugs me in to the planet. It really makes me glow like these wee green men.

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