September Selfie No 16

Today reminded me very much of when my little girl started school - 19 years ago.....except today I had to take her to big school, sorry, University! !! The difference being about 35 miles!!!

Daughter Number 1 started at Kingston Uni yesterday to do a Degree in Social work but on her way, her car broke down. Her car has never broken down and it just happened to be on her enrollment day. Luckily Mr W was available to rush to her aid and managed to get her there ok.

Her car is now in the hands of Mini so Mummy and Step - Daddy are now back to taxi duties that I thought had finished years ago!!!

We stopped on the way this morning for takeaway coffee and Jaffa Cakes!!!

Now she just has to try and battle the parking ticket she was given while her broken car was left in a permit holders only road, clearly signed as Broken Down!!!

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