
By victoriangeny

Cape May Zoo

Over the summer, max and I went to the Wildwood, New Jersey for a couple days. While we were waiting to check in out hotel, we had time to spare. Our of nowhere, I said "let's go to the Cape May Zoo!" When we arrived there, there were so many people there. However, even with it being so crowded the most animals were awake and playful. Throughout my whole time there the animals were cute, but none did anything funny. When I first arrived, I wanted to see the tiger to bad! When we got there he was sleeping. However, the second time I saw him, he was chasing a bird around his cage roaring every other second. He scared a bunch of people by charging the fence in the attempt to catch the bird! When I finally had enough due to the heat, and was ready to leave, we saw this little fella. I'm not quite sure what type of animal he is, but he's adorable. When I saw this picture, it reminded me of my ferrets because they sit like that as well. I stood and looked at him for a good five minutes and he didn't move. He was just straight up chilling. This was probably one of the cutest animals from the Cape May Zoo!

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