Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor


I had a Childsmile check-up today. There's a special room at the dentist's with a little table and chairs and lots of toys. The dental nurse wanted to paint my teeth with a special paste using a tiny toothbrush to make them strong. I wasn't very keen and Mum had to persuade me to open my mouth. I opened it a little and let her do some of my teeth. The paste tasted of banana! Because I was such a good girl, the dental nurse let me choose a special sticker from the drawer.

Some of you have commented on my new hair style. My hair is growing really fast now and keeps going in my eyes. Mum bought some clips but I can easily pull them out, so she resorted to little bobbles. I don't like having my hair done, which is the main reason I only have one bunch as I won't stay still long enough to get two! Funny really when I'm so keen on playing with other people's hair.

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