
By rockit

FRB @ 50

At almost the last minute we decide to head down to see the firework display that was to mark the end of a week-long celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Forth Road Bridge. As time was getting on it seemed that a combination of bike + car would be the most likely means of getting into a position for viewing so that's what we went with. The advantage of this was that we did indeed get right into North Queensferry and ended up right beside the rail bridge with a fantastic view of the full length of the bridge. The disadvantage was that I couldn't take the DSLR kit and tripod so had to settle for phone camera shots instead. However, the trade-off was definitely worth it as the fireworks were excellent and I'm glad we made the effort to go. Although I didn't get any high quality shots I did capture the display on video with the GoPro, which turned out well.

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