
......Which is exactly what I would say if someone suggested growing a huge banana tree (or trees) in a small suburban front garden!
When my children were little 25 years ago, I would walk by this little front garden on the way from school to play group. In those days the banana plants were considerably smaller just 3 or 4 huge leaves each. I remember during the winter they were always carefully placed in the cardboard tubes from rolls of carpet and wrapped in horticultural fleece and bubble wrap, making the garden look really odd indeed!
Well it seems all this love and attention has paid off. Last week on my way home from work I took an accidental detour down this street for the first time in ages and the banana plants are absolutely enormous!!! about 10 feet high with huge leaves and best of all flowers! with tiny green bananas!
I really couldn't resist taking a few shots as I think the amazing flower is a really worthy blip!
I guess this proves, 'He who needs to find a blip, needs to have his eyes open continually'

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