A Life of Laughter

By nlw_93


A nice early morning phone call with Rory before he headed off to work and then I headed out for my first run in well over a month. It was hard work and I forget how much your fitness decreases when you stop running regularly but I soldiered on regardless.

University lecture number one involved me taking notes about concepts I wasn't fully understanding for an hour before being released. Back to the flat to write up my "neat" copy of my notes and do some uni reading before heading back to uni for lecture number 2 of the day. Killing and Dying in the 21st Century makes for some bizarre lecture notes, but at least it was a little more interesting and easier to understand! Went into the town centre for a little bit, to break up the day and successfully managed to avoid the second hand book store (I'm on a book buying ban until my birthday).

I made a whopper of a dinner which was eaten whilst watching Planet Earth on the laptop and then dived straight back into uni work; writing up my "neat" copy of lecture number 2 and doing some questions for my tutorial tomorrow. Now going to spend the rest of my night doing some more reading and drinking numerous cups of tea....I make uni life sound so glamorous don't I?

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