Hare Today ....

Shooting like a rocket out of the stubble this magnificent hare bolted down the field at speed!

Creeping into the field of yesterday and scanning the acres ahead with nothing in sight, constantly combing for movement, a change of colour, tufts of straw which might be a hare crouching was quite exciting. Knowing that hares have a very accurate sense of smell and long ears to detect oncoming predators my levels of alertness were running pretty high. Seeing this about 20 foot away was a good start but and the BIG but is you just don't know when they are going to take off.

We eye-balled each other playing the waiting game - he knew I knew he was there and I knew he knew!

He cleverly waited his opportunity, as they all do, just one flicker that my concentration wasn't on the game and POW ...off, reaching speeds of up to 45mph.

From there being masses of hares yesterday I only saw this one this afternoon!

........gone tomorrow

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