Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

A cats life....

Oh to be a cat.....

When I was about 11 years old, I often wished to be Garfield. I had lots of Garfield cuddly toys and had the cartoon news clippings and the A5 story books. Garfield loves to eat Lasagna (just like me), sleeps most of the day (oh, how I wish I could) and doesn't like mornings (mornings aren't too bad, as long as they are spent curled up snug and warm in bed).

Today's been a busy and not so nice day.

I had plans to go to Wicksteed Park for the National Twins Day UK. Unfortunately, due to one thing and another, we had to cancel.

The girls had their ballet/dance classes whilst Peach did the shopping and Aj & I went on the hunt for details on a new place for Auntie CarCar.

Emotions are high at the moment due to the back to school routine, change of expectations and learning new rules.

The girls had friends round for the afternoon and they played lovely; that was until someone got hurt. DM and her friend were playing with her makeup and perfume, they were having lots of fun and to be fair, they were being really well behaved with how much makeup they were applying. Then the little ones got wind of the makeup and that's when Pops got hurt. DM wanted to do Pops's hair and sprayed hairspray in her eyes (For the record - hairspray wasn't allowed, they got it from their dance show makeup supplies). Fortunately she was wearing her glasses, so it didn't all go in her eyes. I rinsed her eyes and she was fine, but at that point, I calmly asked for them to clear away the makeup. DM didn't take it too well, when asked the second time to "clear away and that includes the handbag you have hiding with most of the other makeup in it", her response was "what the!?!?"

Not wanting to raise my voice or create a scene in front of her friends, I quickly picked her up and went to talk to her in the privacy of our bedroom. DM had other plans and so kicked and screamed. At that point, I put her in our room and closed the door in an attempt to calm her. It didn't! She went furious, screaming, growling, banging her fists on the door and jumping up and down. I remained calm, stayed by the door and held closed. I didn't want the others to see her behaviour, nor did I want them to copy her.

DM did calm down after about 5 minutes (but felt like 10-15 minutes). I sat on the floor next to her and spoke calmly to her. DM was still angry and probably more so now she'd found out that her friends were going home.

This wasn't the only meltdown of the day; there were several others and from different people. There's obviously something in the air :(

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