Tanks for the memories!

It's been a good Sunday!

Back in January, for his 5oth, my hubby was given an gift experience from his family. He decided he fancied tank driving and finally got round to arranging it. Today was the day. We drove down to Armourgeddon just outside Lutterworth in Leicestershire.

He loved it - he didn't have a lot of time but really enjoyed it, learnt a bit and got complimented on his handling skills. There was a bit of a military museum to look around too so we had a couple of hours there, and bought a disc of photos they had taken away from the public viewing area - which are much better than mine!

As we were in the area we paid a quick visit to my brother's on the way back which was a really pleasant way to end the weekend, I miss him and his girlfriend so it was great to see them.

Shame it's gone so quick though!

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