Sun and shadow

Mr Rat and I had planned to go for a hillwalk this afternoon but he had to go to a meeting. So he decided to do a long run tomorrow and I went out by myself.
It was quite late once we got in from church and we had to eat lunch/dinner so I opted to stay close to home and go up the Sidlaws. I didn't really plan my route but ended up doing about 6 - 7 miles of a circular route over the 3 main tops.
It was mainly cloudy with a cool breeze but I was fine in shorts, t-shirt and thin fleece (though most of the folks I stopped to talk to were wearing more).
On the top of Craigowl (the highest at 455m) I stopped for some chocolate and pictures as the sunlight was moving over the fields to the north, the colours at this time of year are so varied it almost glows.

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