September the 14th 2014

Fourteenth September;
Day out postponed yet again,
But we had frame fun!

It seems yesterdays dizzies were just a prelude to a day long headache. Thank heavens for those cooling patches because the drugs ain't working and the banging head and buzzing ears were doing their best to drive me crazy today!

Online grocery order done though the last thing I feel like doing is cooking and eating a meal, but, at least I know this will fade soon enough and I can have a normal couple of days before the next one.

Now that Stella's on the mend though I think I'd better make a doctor's appointment to discuss prescriptions, the current one may have run its course. I hope not, I felt I was getting somewhere (apart from the relentless tiredness) with the last combination and balance physio. Maybe it's just a blip (pardon the pun.)

I also hope you've all made the most of the weekend if you could! :)

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