September Selfie no. 14

More proof that I have been outside the house although it hasn't been for long today.

While I've been off I have been trying to work out how I can be more organised, our friend Hedley would fall around laughing if he read this as he already laughs at the pen and pad on the side to jot down anything that we need from the shop and the fact that I have a bit of a panic attack if I have to shop without a list. This will drive him mad.

I am going to try and go back to the days when I used to get a bulk shop once a month and then top up with fresh items each week. This has involved a few lists and then me sitting down to do my first online food shop. I will add any fresh stuff to the order next weekend and then 'ta dah' it should be here on Monday early evening.

Hopefully this will not only lighten our food bill but alo my waistline as the hope is that there won't be the temptation to add 'goodies' to the list. We'll see what happens.

I am looking at the recent week or so of upset stomach as a sort of detox, ha ha, and I am aiming to be very careful about the food I start eating again, let's see how long this lasts!

Also thinking about the wedding in NZ in 2016 and how I would like to lose the weight so I can be happy with my photo being taken. Need to keep focussed now.

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