
By AussieinOz

Red hot!

For about US$ 1.80 I can buy enough capsicum (bell peppers) to cook up a batch of chili jam - just look at this colour. And it's spicy.

First you scorch the capsicum skins and peel them. Then saute chopped onion and garlic with some dried chili flakes. Then cook this up with the chopped up red capsicum, some vinegar, some brown sugar, a touch of salt and some lime juice. Finish by a burst in the food processor and pour into sterilised jars.

It's truly delicious with some cheese, or on toast, or on a spoon :-) and it's such a gorgeous colour.

Today was damp. That said, in the morning it was only slightly damp and the air smelt fresh. Fabulous weather for a walk. The rest of the day has been spent between my kitchen and my computer. Studying how to argue and reason - and find that I'm not very good at this. I'm not bad, but not very good. Also studying digital storytelling which is quite fascinating but I have yet to decide on what story I should tell ...

More damp forecast for tomorrow - I'm hoping it's not raining before my first class because it's much more enjoyable, and healthier, to walk to the metro rather than catch a tram ... Fingers crossed.

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