
By LifeOfNay

you can either run from it or learn from it.

We woke up nice & early hoping to get to Credditon a bit early for Nathan’s day of pain.
I slept through three alarms whilst Nathan lay in bed watching tv.
We quickly popped down to Blue Groove for a coffee & to steal some wifi to check Facebook. I meant to pop in to say hi to my old neighbor again but we somehow ran out of time. Time really does fly by when your on holiday!

We had to pop home because once again I’d forgotten my wallet. We set off with a bit of speed trying to make up for lost time but almost immediately we got stuck behind a car toeing a caravan doing way under the speed limit.
Luckily, it turned off first street into Braunton, unluckily from that same street pulled out a Hurst & two cars behind it doing at most 15 miles per hour in a 40/50mph zone.
We were stuck all the way through Braunton behind a Hurst & now a tractor. Finally we hit an overtaking lanes & about 15 cars zoomed past. We got all the way over the Barnstaple bridge before getting stuck behind a lorry, we were having no luck this morning. We turned off into the back streets to head to Creddatin hoping we’d get to pick up speed but we got stuck... again... behind another tractor, then a small lorry going very slow, which Nathan was a bit sketchy trying to over take because the lanes were so small & there was no actual over taking part just arrows on the road telling us there was about 10 meters before we hit another sharp corner. Just our luck though, every time there was enough vision to overtake a car would come.
Our patients was wearing thin, so I shut my eyes & let Nathan drive how he wanted. We eventually got here 6 minutes early. I have no idea how.

Gem had drawn out an amazing pic of what Nathan wanted to get tattooed, she set up & started the pain around quarter to 12. Nath hasn’t had a tattoo in many years so he’d completely forgotten what the pain was like. He’d also been walking around all morning with the back half of his leg really smoothly shaven, it was horrid!
She got the outline done within 45 minutes, we then head down to the shops to get a quick feed & a drink. This was my first walk out side without crutches, It was hard trying to engage just the left butt cheek to get the muscle working without using the right so much. I was still a bit wonky but it wasn’t painful which was good news.
2 hours later Rafikki was finished!

Unfortunately for Karma, Nathan had accidentally taken the house key with us. We didn’t get home until 7pm so she had to go to the pub after work to kill some time. We met up with her & head off to see an old friend from school who had also visited us out in Oz a few years ago. Rachel was staying with her partner, Richard, in a camping field for the summer which was also where they both worked, they had an amazing little set up, WV van, nice bed set up, BBQ, shelter under the trees & shower block close by. Not a bad idea to do to save some money on rent.
We had a BBQ & some beers under the stars, it got a bit cold even after putting two jumpers on! I was wearing 3/4 length pants so my cankles were going numb.
We sat, talked & enjoyed this beautiful night for hours.

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