I was very pleased with how much I managed to see with only six hours in Amsterdam. The trip ended up being a bit of a "The Fault in Our Stars" (TFioS) fan pilgrimage, a book by John Green and recent film that is partially set in Amsterdam. After stepping off my train in Amsterdam Centraal I...
- jumped on a tram
- found the bench that was the location of a significant scene in the TFioS film
- wandered around the canals, dodging cyclists and trams
- visited a cheese shop and enjoyed some samples
- had a lovely late lunch in a cafe overlooking a canal
- wandered over to the Rijsk mueseum to see the " I AMsterdam" letters and wander around the Van Gogh museum shop
- meet up with two uni friends in Dam Square
- designed my own magnum in a nearby department shop - milk chocolate, crushed hazelnuts, popping candy and fudge sqaures. Yum!
- visited the Anne Frank house - tip, it costs extra but buying a "skip the queue" ticket from Get Your Guide meant I didn't spend most of my trip queueing outside. When I reached the legacy section of the museum TFioS author John Green was speaking on the video about the impact Anne Frank had on him - what a coincidence.
- wandered back to the train station and because it was near the red light district, ignored some remarks from some strangers on a corner - it is Amsterdam after all.
- nipped back on a train to Schiphol and met some other friends from home to drive to Westkapelle for our friend's wedding tomorrow! It was my job to make sure Andrew was driving on the right side of the road.
A pretty packed day and one I won't forget.
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