Le Pain Quotidien

I love this place. I went there last night with some friends, and I'd definitely like to go again. Very civilised ;-)

I didn't get up till 11am and it was perfect! It's so lovely to have the first cup of tea of the day all cosy on the sofa rather than bleary-eyed at the kitchen sink wondering how you'll find the strength to get through the day!

I organised a few things, and did lots of jobs that I only really have time to do at the weekend. It's been warm and bright today, which makes the weekend seem more precious, and something to be savoured. I didn't get a whole lot of time to savour though, and I've certainly missed out on quality time with Little B. I already feel irritated knowing I'll only really see him in fits and spurts this week, ten minutes here and there.

I went into Guildford to buy a couple of bits, and had a nice drink and yoghurt from Starbucks. I had gym this evening, but before that I popped into a pub to hand in my CV. I have a full time job, but I think I might need to get a part-time one as well so that I've got money to go and have fun, and not have to be skint in the middle of the month :-/

Good session at gym- swings for giants, lots of bars, and a good workout with the weights. My shoulder hurts already, so I'm expecting pain tomorrow.

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