Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

Bringing It All Back Home

...and so I finally make it to 730 blips!

My first 365 took me a year. My second 365 have taken just over two - but I got there in the end.

For my first anniversary blip I recreated a scene from Bob Dylan's 'Subterranean Homesick Blues' promo film and so today I've decided to stick with the theme and pay tribute to the album from which that song came with this little homage to the 'Bringing It All Back Home' album cover. The original photo was taken by Daniel Kramer in 1965 and has always been a favourite of mine.

Thanks to Spokes for taking the role of Sally Grossman (the original Woman in a Red Dress) and thanks to Chris for his help as Photographer's Assistant and Cat Wrangler. And speaking of the cat... This is only Puffin's second appearance in my journal. She chooses her moments carefully!

Thanks, too, to everyone at Blip Central for all the hard work they put in to making this the best website in the world and to you, my 'sisters and brothers in blip' who make this community what it is and whose photography, friendship and lives inspire me so much. I couldn't do it without you and I appreciate you more than I can say!

It pains me on a daily basis that I no longer have the time to respond to all your comments or to comment regularly on your journals as I did during my first year but my personal and professional circumstances have changed a lot in the time I've been blipping and time seems increasingly scarce.

Nevertheless, I want to say for the record that I still look at subscribers and subscribees journals every day, and also try to visit as many other journals as possible when I have a moment, and I always follow your lives and your photography with great interest.

This is a great place and I intend to continue to be part of it. Love to you all! xx

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