With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Leon glass

I'd managed to sleep a little without too many nightmares, but dosed up on Valerian. We were picked up from the hotel and ventured back to the centre of the city. The fountains were frozen up, but the cathedral was still there in all its slightly faded glory. I was so pleased to have another look around and felt slightly restored by chocolate and churros. However, I felt such a schmuck for bringing a dampener on everything, but I really couldn't manage much more than a quick stroll around.

We went back to Ana's flat and I had a sleep while the others ate and then we headed back through the slightly less snowy mountains to the airport.

I was treated to spectacular views of a sunset through the plane window, and we were soon back to find the boys bouncing around and full of their weekend with aunty. I feel slightly relieved to be home, and annoyed I couldn't have got more from the trip, but none the less, it was fabulous. I can recommend Leon to anyone.

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