Blip Meet/Book Meet

Phil and I were among the small but enthusiastic audience who enjoyed author and Blipper Peter May’s presentation at Village Books tonight, a much-anticipated event in our September calendars, and one that exceeded our already high expectations!

We were delighted to learn from our Blip friend Lady Findhorn that Bellingham was one of the stops on Peter May’s latest international tour, which began in Scotland on August 25 and will end there on September 20. In addition to Winnipeg and Toronto in Canada, he and his wife Janice Hally, who also is a writer, will have made stops in New York, Boston, Minneapolis, Houston, Denver, Salt Lake City, Oakland and Corte Madera in California, Seattle — and Bellingham, hardly in the ranks of those much larger metropolitan areas, but we were so glad that it was included!

I’ve read his evocative Lewis trilogy, and have re-read the first and second volumes — yes, they’re that good! I plan to re-read the third volume, and then read the entire trilogy several more times over the next few years for the sheer beauty of Peter’s writing and the fascinating characters and intriguing plots that fill his novels. In the meantime, I’m relishing his Enzo Files books, and then will move on to his thrillers set in China.

Peter’s talk tonight was about the many life events that led him to write the Lewis trilogy, told in such an engaging, warm manner that I felt as if I’d known him for years, instead of having just met him a few minutes before his presentation. I asked him to sign my copy of The Lewis Man, and Phil took a few photos of me with Peter, in all of which I managed to blink just as Phil pressed the shutter. Never mind, you know what I look like, so ignore my half-open eyes and just enjoy Peter’s genial smile!

Haste ye back to Bellingham, Peter and Janice, and next time, I'll make sure that the key folks at the Bellingham Scottish Highland Games and the Skagit Valley Highland Games know about your visit!

Here is another view of Peter May's engaging manner, this time in Phil's informative blip.

Blip 1035

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