You're Walking Up With Your Eyes on me....
Funny old day.
Tooli came home. She has only been away FIVE days and managed to bring a whole suitcase of clothes back for washing.
We did shopping, she advised us on the correct way to arrange the furniture, she visited her Nant; invited her Gran up for a visit. Packed her bedroom, and raided the kitchen for essentials.
Si and me? We slept in the garden, and slept a little more. It was lovely.
I like sleeping.
I just sat up in the hammock and spotted Bean coming back from her travels. She wandered in to the garden, rouped and rouped, and then looked at my herb box . I swore I thought she was going to have a pee in it, but no, she got snuggled down and had a wee nap.
OH and MoST important thing - I GOT STUNG! A bloody bee. I was watering the sunflowers, and put my hand on one sunflower head to move them out of the way and NEEEEEEP.
Bloody hell.
I squealed and squealed, and shouted for a boy scout to rescue me and he came out and applied an anticeptic wipe, and I said, but what if I have, an apopolaptic flop?
And he just laughed.
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