A Meandering Life...

By Skeena


Today I have been otherwise engaged with family and have been pushed to blip anything in daylight. Dr Who also delayed things...

It's the 13th and I'm up against a deadline. 13 years ago I made this model/carving of my interpretation of a Norman Rockwell illustration that showed he also had deadlines.

Rockwell has always been a hero of mine and I'm pleased to say I have visited his studio in Stockbridge , MA.

I know the painting as 'Deadline', it has also been called 'Blank Canvas'. It appeared on the Saturday Evening Post cover back on the 8th October, 1938.

My version Rockwell is missing but his pipe has been left on the chair. This was my nod to that fact he once burnt down his studio when his bin caught fire from his pipe ashes.

I used a crafting knife to make most of it. The paintbrushes and pencils are made from cocktail sticks. It stands at about 8" tall and lives on a slightly dusty shelf on my bookcase.

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