There's no place like......

Always good to get home, especially after a long adventure like today's.

Wom wasn't happy in the night again. Think he's struggling to bring his wind up after night feeds regardless of how much winding I actually do, he gets so cross about it. Cuddles in our bed alternating with his bed from 3am!

Charlotte went to her first ballet class, it's the same ballet teacher from nursery which helped enormously. Think she loved it. She certainly chattered about it lots and lots after. Ballet shoes and leotard on order for next week.

From here we headed to grandmas. Charlotte was adamant she wasn't going to sleep in the car! She slept!

Lots of things to play with at grandmas: piano, Millie, garden, toys to name but a few. Headed to the cheap and cheerful carvery for lunch. Wom wasn't too happy about being ignored so ended up on my lap as I ate, Charlotte, not one to miss out, joined in! Thankfully I had grabbed a couple of bottles of my milk as we were leaving, phewy!

From here, to the park, the park of my youth. Still the same, but different. Charlotte had fun playing, scaring me half to death with shouts of higher higher on the swings etc. Think my brother had equal amounts of fun playing! Wom just slept, but kept a beady eye on proceedings.

Icing on the cake for today was catching up with Auntie Joan. I'm not sure how long I've known her, but it's probably over 35+ years, she's always been there for me, through thick and thin, so lovely to catch up and for her to meet Wom and see Charlotte again.

Home, tired meltdowns, cries of I want my daddy.......
Both in bed. I'm just sorting milk then will be joining them

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