
By pattons6

A mixed day

Well, I was up earlier than normal for a Saturday,7.30am. I was happy to watch princess while mummy had her shower and got dressed.

First thing we headed to the library. Everyone got two books. I got the very hungry caterpillar which is a favourite of daddy's.

After the library we headed to the shops. I was very well behaved all the way round. By the time I got home I was very sleepy. I had a good sleep before waking looking for lunch.

This is where the day went down hill. I was having jelly and I couldn't get the jelly to behave to stay on the spoon. It kept on jumping off! Well, I had a melt down. Proper tears, crying and hiding my face. I was so upset, grandma and grandad even facetimed me and I was still upset. Mummy has a video which she says is very funny.

I had a very runny nose today so I am coming down with something. I am never normally this upset so along with horrible nappies and the fact I was so upset means I get medicine.

I had special bubble bath to helps nose and breathing. I was more than happy to go to bed once I had my milk. Mummy thinks it may be a rough night, we will wait and see.

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