
By Mindseye

Meet Betty!

(Corning) a late flowering Clematis
Betty is a fairly new addition to our garden. She sits prettily in a black glazed pot on our decking, crawling up an obelisk and can be seen through our patio doors. As I said, she is a late flowerer; I didn't expect to see any flowers this year even though she's a sturdy plant already; so it was a real treat to spot a couple of buds a few days ago. Rooting around the garden this afternoon for a blip, not much happening, another greyish flat sky, but then this little pixie lantern of a flower drew my eye. I think it's very pretty and quite delicate....it reminds me of an Iris! Well that's it for today, the roast pork loin stuffed with caramelised onion and apples with garlic, rosemary and thyme is wafting through from the kitchen.....think it needs my attention! Happy weekend everyone

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