night light

Over the last week, as the nights have drawn in a little, Eve has decided she isn't keen on the dark. This morning I presented her with Mr Hedgehog and declared that she didn't need to worry about the dark any more. Her reaction was not as I had hoped..... she claimed to be afraid of Mr Hedgehog.

A day of Auntie Emma, lunch out with Laura and then fun and games at her apartment. Laura is far more tolerant than I am - she allowed Evie B to play supermarkets with most of the contents of her kitchen. On the way home Eve said she liked games with Laura and she wants her to come for a tea party. I said that I'm sure it could be arranged and then Eve proceeded to attempt to persuade me to pull over so that I could ring Laura to invite her immediately. She is nothing if not determined.

We are now eagerly anticipating the arrival of Grandad for dinner. Hope he's not too tough.

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