Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Provincial museums

Provincial museums, you have to love them, don't you? They're run by quiet well-informed people who are given totally inappropriate buildings by the local Council and a heap of finds that are hardly British Museum standard, even in a place like Winchester which actually has quite a lot of history.

But here we are, Winchester's City Museum: a few really beautiful things and a load of Roman, Saxon and Medieval stuff dropped by people like me who just happened to live here a little before I did.

What else does it have? The guts of a Victorian High Street tobacconist and a pretty stunning Roman tessellated floor. But look at the info board on the right. It blocks the window and has had to be hefted over a radiator. There's hardly a window in the place that hasn't been treated in this way (and there are a lot of windows). Consequently the light's a bit dodgy, but I liked what it did to this corner.

So that's my Saturday. When I got back from town I spent the rest of the afternoon cooking scones and (what I think is) a really good spiced stew.

Enjoy your evenings, peeps.. xx

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