The Silver Swan...

who, living, has no note...

Looking for a blip after dropping Mr Flum off for an X-ray on his poorly knee I thought to capture an evocative photo of swans emerging from swirling mist on Blackford Pond.

Annoyingly thwarted on both counts - just a hint of haze on a grey background, swans and cygnets tucking themselves into the bank out of sight. I hadn't realised how noisy they are, grunting as they communicate with each other, but I could see little of them.

I met a delightful tabby cat, the image of Bramble, and a wee schnauzer called Max, just like LadyMarchmont's Archie.

Then some kind Mother and child began throwing bread for the ducks and the swans left their preening and gabbing to glide over to feed so I snapped this one as it passed.

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