Power to the people

Went to listen to Lesley Riddoch along with Prof Allan MacInnes & Mike Russell at the local village hall discuss the impending Referendum. Both blokes spoke well but oh boy that Lesley Riddoch is eloquent & passionate. Finally the audience woke up & realised the significance of this coming vote. It's not just about economics & big business holding a gun at our heads with empty threats (what business is going to walk away from making money!) & as for moving to England, they are none of them physically moving, all they are doing is changing their address , a fact they all have been at great pains to point out after the unionist mouthpiece that is the BBC bombarded us yesterday with such scaremongering bile, it actually has turned folks into yes voters! No this is about giving power back to us the people . Getting shot of all that is wrong with our present electoral system. I am not a nationalist but have always believed in Idependence however you spell it! I know Im dyslexic. I know things can nont be fixed in a year, 5 or ten years but it will be fixed and it will put to bed the whinging us Scots always do about blaming England for our ails, we can sort them and do it ourselves, we just need to believe it and it will hopeful lead to us being more tolerant and friendly with our southern neighbours when we deal with them on an equal playing field. There Ive nailed my colours to the mast and I respect all those who feel they wish to remain with Westminster. If that's the case next week, it just means we will have to work harder at taking Westminster to task . However our English neighbours I hope will also be stimulated to sort out whats rotten with Wetminster and I think that's really one of the things that is scaring these greedy politicians!

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