
By janin

"Oublie un livre quelque part"

"Forget a book somewhere" is an initiative of a young Luxembourg woman on Facebook. Being a book lover, she says she finds it difficult to "get rid" of a book after having read it. So she created a group on F-B and within a week, she had more than 10,000 "Likes" and almost world-wide.

I have the same problem with books and you can guess it when you enter my house. There's not a single place where you couldn't find one. On the other hand, I often lend books to people I know well or less well, and I don't care if I get them back or not (except if it's one of my very favorites).

The "Forget a book somewhere" is a wonderful way of eliminating books in a more bearable way.
The aim is to share books in a particular way, i.e. by "forgetting" them in some public place. A couple of years ago, I participated in Book-Crossing, which is a rather similar concept, but considerably more formalized.

Here's my first "forgotten book" and I hope someone nice and interesting will have found it.

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